June 15, 2014

How to Peel Garlic – Easiest, Fastest, Cleanest Way


Image by yahoo.com

How to peel Garlic - The age old dilemma that every cook/chef faces when dealing with Garlic. The super food is hidden away, wrapped up in the hard to peel skin. This is one tough, smelly process that we all dread to go through. Don't get me wrong, I love Garlic. It enhances the flavor in your food, and then there are so many healthy properties in Garlic that it is an article by itself.

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May 13, 2014

Label Alert – Top 10 Food Ingredients to Avoid

Label Alert - Top 10 Food Ingredients to Avoid

Image by swansonvitamins.com

Food industry is big money. To make food that looks good, tastes good and is cheap to make, most of these food companies use ingredients that are artificially produced, are made with chemicals or are derived from whole foods using chemicals and heating processes. Food companies and manufacturers are not going to disclose that these ingredients are bad for health. This is their dirty little secret to keep us attracted and addicted to their food.

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April 11, 2014

Top 5 Summer Fruits


Image by wallsave.com

With summer on the horizon, it's time to slim down and get ready for swimsuit season. While traditional health foods may be a delight, why not treat yourself to in-season fruits? Since fruit is low-calorie, you can eat your fill, feel satisfied and promote weight loss all once. With so many different fruits in season, you'll have plenty of variety to choose from to keep both mind and appetite interested.

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April 7, 2014

New SuperFoods to try in 2014


Image by beveganmakepeace.com

Superfoods are nutritionally dense foods. You will get health benefits from even small servings of these foods, and that is why superfoods are so beneficial. Superfoods contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other important nutrients, which promote health, vitality, and even longevity.

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April 4, 2014

Lingonberries May Prevent Obesity and Diabetes


Image by mamashealth.com

If you’ve been looking for all-natural dietary solutions for weight loss lately, you’ve probably heard a good deal about lingonberries. Lingonberries may be the latest and greatest “superberry” to join the list – hailing primarily from Scandinavia and North America, the lingonberry has been proving itself a contender in the superfood arena through study after study.

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